Light to carry and waterproof, these trail maps get a week's walking onto a single sheet. Clear 1:40,000 scale mapping shows facilities available in town and villages, as well as useful contact numbers. John OGroats Trail is a 237 kilometres (147 miles) coastal walkingroute from Inverness to John OGroats traversing shorelines, cliff tops, backlanes and footpaths. Some of it is as strenuous as hillwalking. Other sectionsare already popular strolls. The Trail is meant to be used both by long-distancewalkers going to or from Lands End and local walkers looking for a coastalstroll. Accommodation, meals and shops are available at the end of moststages of the walk. The route includes some of the most dramatic scenery inBritain, with many spots having been hidden even from locals until the recentdevelopment of the Trail. |