New from the publishers of the Broons titles - this is the book that Wullie keeps in his shed - the gang hut shared wi' Fat Boab, Wee Eck, and Soapy Soutar. It's packed wi' notes about their escapades and get-rich-quick schemes, clippings gathered from allsorts o' important magazines and there's more mischief in these pages than onybody should ken! Handy stuff tae - how tae make a balloon rocket, buildin' a raft, champion computer hints, things tae dae wi' a bucket, stuff aboot worms and secret codes. There's pages fae PC Murdoch's notebook - how did they get inside this book? And there's April Fool capers, handy hints on lookin' efter Jeemy the moose, heaps o' homework excuses, and a school report that never made it hame... There's even some sissy poems that must've been written by Primrose. How did they get there? Nae lassies allowed in Wullie's shed! |