International Children's Book Day

Today - 2nd of April - is not only Good Friday but it's also International Children's Book Day!

The Kilted Coo

The Kilted Coo

This celebration of children's books is facilitated by the International Board on Books for Young People, and every year on April 2nd a different National Section is nominated to the day's official national sponsor.

Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster

Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster

2018's sponsor is Latvia and their chosen theme is 'the small is big in a book'. In a message from renowned Latvian author Inese Zandere, the focus of the celebration is that in books, small is a relative concept. With courage, belief in our ideals, foresight, perseverance, and the power of talent we can make literature and the art of books significant and meaningful.

Porridge the Tartan Cat

Porridge the Tartan Cat

Here are a couple of extracts from Inese's message about what children's books can be:

"A children's book is a miraculous force that promotes the small person's great desire and ability to be. It promotes his or her courage to live"

"A book is a mystery in which something unsought can be found, or something beyond one's reach"

"A picture book can function as a treasure chest of wisdom and culture even for adults, just as children can read a book intended for adults and find their own story"

Sky Dancer

Sky Dancer

"A children's book signifies respect for the greatness of the small. It signifies a world that is created anew each time, a playful and beautiful seriousness"

Where's Nessie?

Where's Nessie?

At Lomond we adore children's books and it's one of our strongest categories - no matter how the market is, children's books always outperform expectations and it seems that their resonance and appeal is unending.

You can find our fantastic selection of children's books here.

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