Stand-Out Scottish Books: The Peat Dead
Exciting news for author Allan Martin, whose thrilling and atmospheric novel The Peat Dead has been shortlisted for the Bloody Scotland McIlvanney ...
An Interview with Angus MacDonald
At the top of the new releases list in Scottish fiction this month is this extraordinary and un-put-down-able wartime romance, We Fought for Ardnish . ...
The end of Nessie hunting? (No, never!)
The search for the Loch Ness Monster has been ongoing for years - it attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to Loch Ness every year and many people ...
Whisky Month, Lomond Letter and New Catalogue
We can't quite believe we've made it to May already - the year is disappearing fast! As we come into Spring, we have a huge variety of new books on the ...
International Children's Book Day
Today - 2nd of April - is not only Good Friday but it's also International Children's Book Day! The Kilted Coo This celebration of children's books is ...
Allan on Arran - Interview with Photographer Allan Wright
One of our hotly anticipated new releases in March is this stunning photography book from one of our favourite photographers, Allan Wright. Most of you ...
Stand-out Scottish Book - Hame
'Hame' - a Scottish home; a valued place regarded as a refuge or place or origin Hame - Annalena McAfee This is a fabulous new novel set on a fictional ...
Stand-out Scottish Book - The Debatable Land
The Debatable Land was an independent territory which used to exist between Scotland and England and it is the oldest detectable territorial division ...
Charles Rennie Mackintosh - 150 Years
2018 marks the 150th anniversary of one of Scotland's finest and most renowned artists, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. As you would expect, to celebrate ...
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