Preview Post - Scotland's Nature and Wildlife
We're thrilled to announce a new Lomond publication for later this year - an updated and re-formatted "Scotland's Nature & Wildlife". This popular title will be in the same format as Scotland's 100 Best Walks, a compact and condensed paperback with a glossy cover. It's an ideal size for visitors to take home, as well as for locals to keep on their bookshelves.

Scotland's Nature & Wildlife
Here's the book's description:
Want to glimpse a falcon on a quiet crag, scent wildflowers close to the centre of town, or hear a whale's breath out on the ocean?
Want to do it in Scotland?
This is the book that can point you there. Whether your interest is in wee beasties or large mammals, birds or plants, there's something in here for you. Information on how, where and when to enjoy a host of Scottish wildlife is presented in easily read but authoritative text, illustrated by some of Scotland's top wildlife photographers.
Distilled from the author's decades of practical experience, this is one of the most comprehensive popular guides to Scotland's wild side ever published. Part master class, part calendar, part gazetteer, and sprinkled with dozens of mini features on a wide range of species, it's a choice blend, finely tuned to Scottish needs.
The geographical scope is vast, ranging from wave-pounded cliffs to the outermost isles to parks at the heart of cities. From Shetland to the Solway, the Western Isles to Grampian, and a host of areas in between, the book suggests methods and places to help you make the most of Scottish nature.
There's something here for wild country rover and urban stroller alike. The message is simple - wherever you are in Scotland, if you want to get acquainted with some wild neighbours, you can. Let this book be your guide and inspiration.
Scotland's Nature and Wildlife will be published by Lomond in August 2018 and will retail at £10.99. It's available to pre-order now either through your sales representative or on the website.
Scotland's Nature and Wildlife is on the Lomond website here